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C 7 ноября 2020 года phpBB Group прекратила выпуск обновлений и завершила дальнейшее развитие phpBB версии 3.2.
С 1 августа 2024 года phpBB Group прекращает поддержку phpBB 3.2 на официальном сайте.
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С учетом этого, настоятельно рекомендуется обновить конференции до версии 3.3.

Мод Shop 3.0.0

Ответы на вопросы, связанные с локализацией модов для phpBB 2.0.x
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 2.0.7
Сообщения: 560
Стаж: 18 лет 3 месяца

Мод Shop 3.0.0

Сообщение Nemo1987 »

Код: Выделить всё


// Main
$lang['shop'] = "Shop";
$lang['special'] = "Special";

$lang['your_inv'] = "Your Inventory";
$lang['clear_msg'] = "Clear Messages";
$lang['icon'] = "Icon";
$lang['name'] = "Item Name";
$lang['item_desc'] = "Item Description";
$lang['owned'] = "Owned";
$lang['inventory'] = "Inventory";
$lang['information'] = "Information";
$lang['item_cost'] = 'Cost';
$lang['item_sold'] = 'Sold';
$lang['item_left'] = 'Left';
$lang['item_s_desc'] = 'Short Description';
$lang['item_stock'] = 'Stock';
$lang['give'] = "Give";
$lang['trade'] = "Trade";
$lang['discard'] = 'Discard';
$lang['nothing'] = "Nothing";
$lang['buy'] = 'Buy';
$lang['sell'] = 'Sell';
$lang['proposed_trade'] = "has proposed a trade!";
$lang['and'] = "and";
$lang['trade_offering'] = "Offering";
$lang['trade_wants'] = "Wants";
$lang['trade_accept'] = "Accept Trade";
$lang['trade_reject'] = "Reject Trade";

$lang['fatal_shop_check'] = "Fatal error checking shops!";
$lang['fatal_clear_msg'] = "Fatal error clearing messages!";
$lang['fatal_shop_restock'] = "Fatal error updating shop stock!";
$lang['fatal_restock_time'] = "Fatal error updating shop restocked time!";
$lang['fatal_shop_list'] = "Fatal error getting shop list!";
$lang['fatal_item_info'] = "Fatal error getting item information!";
$lang['fatal_getting_uinfo'] = "Fatal error getting user info on";
$lang['no_id'] = "No user_id selected to search!";
$lang['no_user'] = "No such user!";
$lang['invalid_command'] = "This is not a valid command!";
$lang['no_item'] = "No Item Chosen!";
$lang['no_item_exists'] = "No such item exists!";
$lang['item_out_stock'] = "Item is out of stock!";
$lang['item_protected'] = "That item is in a protected shop!";
$lang['item_owned'] = "You already own one of those!";
$lang['item_not_owned'] = "You don't own one of those!";
$lang['inv_full'] = "Your inventory is full, sell back some items if you want to buy more.";
$lang['not_enough_currency'] = "You don't have enough %s to purchase this!";
$lang['moveup_disabled'] = "Moving items in your inventory is disabled!";

$lang['shop_district_list'] = 'District List';
$lang['shop_districts'] = 'Shop Districts';
$lang['shop_list'] = 'Shop List';
$lang['shop_personal_info'] = 'Personal Information';
$lang['shop_your_inv'] = 'Your Inventory';
$lang['shop_owner'] = 'Shop Owner';
$lang['shop_type'] = 'Shop Type';
$lang['shop_name'] = 'Shop Name';
$lang['shop_item_info'] = 'Item Information for';
$lang['shop_no_districts'] = 'There are currently no districts created!';
$lang['shop_district_type'] = 'District Type';
$lang['shop_district_name'] = 'District Name';
$lang['shop_will_decay'] = 'This item will decay in';
$lang['shop_click_item'] = 'Click on Item Name to use this item';
$lang['shop_move'] = 'Move to';
$lang['shop_actions'] = 'Actions';
$lang['shop_trade_actions'] = 'Trade Actions';
$lang['shop_your_items'] = 'Your items';
$lang['shop_give_to'] = 'Give to';
$lang['shop_item_given'] = 'Item Given';
$lang['shop_find_username'] = 'Find Username';
$lang['shop_message'] = 'Message';
$lang['shop_execute'] = 'Execute';
$lang['shop_reset'] = 'Reset';
$lang['shop_buy_explain'] = 'You have bought a %s for %s %s leaving you with %s %s';
$lang['shop_sell_explain'] = 'You have sold a %s for %s %s which gives you %s %s';
$lang['shop_give_explain1'] = 'Please select an item and the person you would like to give it to.';
$lang['shop_give_explain2'] = 'Are you sure you want to give the item(s) <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> %s?';
$lang['shop_give_items'] = 'Give Items';
$lang['shop_give_disabled'] = 'The ability to give items has been disabled!';
$lang['shop_giving_self'] = 'What is the point in giving an item to yourself?';
$lang['shop_no_user'] = 'No Such User Exists!';
$lang['shop_invalid_item'] = 'You have not selected any items you have!';
$lang['shop_with_msg'] = 'with the message';
$lang['shop_confirm_give'] = 'Confirm Give';
$lang['shop_yes'] = 'Yes';
$lang['shop_no'] = 'No';
$lang['shop_for'] = 'for';
$lang['shop_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$lang['shop_msg_included'] = 'has also included the following message';
$lang['shop_been_given'] = 'You have been given an/some item(s)';
$lang['shop_been_given2'] = 'has given you the item(s)';
$lang['shop_give_exit'] = '%s</b> received the item(s) <b>%s</b>.';
$lang['shop_trade_disabled'] = 'The ability to trade items has been disabled!';
$lang['shop_user_trading'] = 'User already has a trade waiting!';
$lang['shop_item_not_owned'] = 'You do not own that item, and cannot place it in a trade!';
$lang['shop_item_trading'] = 'That item has already been added to the trade!';
$lang['shop_tradee_not_own'] = 'You cannot request an item that the person you are trading does not own!';
$lang['shop_tradee_item_trading'] = 'That item has already been requested in this trade!';
$lang['shop_not_enough_gold'] = 'You cannot trade more gold than you currently have!';
$lang['shop_no_negative_gold'] = 'You cannot set your gold into negative!';
$lang['shop_tradee_no_gold'] = 'You cannot ask for more gold than %s currently has!';
$lang['shop_tradee_negative'] = 'You cannot set your requested gold into negative!';
$lang['shop_trade_explain1'] = 'Select the items and gold from both users that you would like to trade, then hit execute!';
$lang['shop_trade_explain2'] = 'Insert a username you wish to begin a trade with.';
$lang['shop_trade_explain3'] = 'Remember, once you propose a trade you can\'t retract it!';
$lang['shop_add_item'] = 'Add Item';
$lang['shop_remove_item'] = 'Remove Item';
$lang['shop_add_points'] = 'Add %s';
$lang['shop_remove_points'] = 'Remove %s';
$lang['shop_trade_offering'] = 'You\'re currently offering';
$lang['shop_trade_requesting'] = 'You\'re currently requesting';
$lang['shop_trade_with'] = 'Trade Items with %s';
$lang['shop_trade_items'] = 'Trade Items';
$lang['shop_trade_confirm'] = 'Confirm trade with %s';
$lang['shop_trade_proposed'] = '%s has proposed a trade with you!';
$lang['shop_trade_privmsg'] = '[b]You have a trade waiting for you![/b]
%s has proposed a trade with you, to decline or accept this trade, please click [url=http://%s/shop.php?action=inventory&searchid=%s]here[/url] or go to your inventory!
[b]Note: You must accept or decline this trade before anyone else can propose a trade with you.[/b]%s';
$lang['shop_trade_exit'] = 'Trade has been sent to %s!';
$lang['shop_no_trades'] = 'You don\'t have any trades waiting!';
$lang['shop_trade_auto_refuse'] = 'Trade automatically declined!';
$lang['shop_trade_auto_refuse1'] = 'You do not have enough gold to accept this trade, so it has been automatically declined!';
$lang['shop_trade_auto_refuse2'] = '%s does not have enough gold to complete this trade, so it has been automatically declined!';
$lang['shop_trade_auto_refuse3'] = 'You do not have the items to accept this trade, so it has been automatically declined!';
$lang['shop_trade_auto_refuse4'] = '%s does not have the items to complete this trade, so it has been automatically declined!';
$lang['shop_trade_pm_refuse1'] = 'This trade has been automatically refused because %s does not enough have gold to complete it.';
$lang['shop_trade_pm_refuse2'] = 'This trade has been automatically refused because you do not have enough gold to complete it.';
$lang['shop_trade_pm_refuse3'] = 'This trade has been automatically refused because %s does not have the items to complete it.';
$lang['shop_trade_pm_refuse4'] = 'This trade has been automatically refused because you not have the items to complete it.';
$lang['shop_trade_pm_accept'] = '%s has accepted your trade!';
$lang['shop_trade_accept_msg'] = '[b]Your trade has been accepted![/b]
%s has accepted your trade! The items you proposed to trade have been exchanged, along with the gold.';
$lang['shop_trade_accept_exit'] = 'You have accepted the proposed trade by %s.';
$lang['shop_trade_pm_declined'] = '%s has declined your trade!';
$lang['shop_trade_declined_msg'] = '[b]Your trade has been declined![/b]
%s has refused to accept your trade! The items and gold you proposed in your trade have not been moved.';
$lang['shop_trade_decline_exit'] = 'You have rejected the proposed trade by %s.';
$lang['shop_discard_disabled'] = 'The ability to discard items has been disabled!';
$lang['shop_discard_explain1'] = 'Select the item you wish to discard.';
$lang['shop_discard_explain2'] = 'Are you sure you want to discard your %s? (Note: You cannot get your item back once it is discarded!)';
$lang['shop_discard_item'] = 'Discard Item';
$lang['shop_discard_confirm'] = 'Confirm Discard Item';
$lang['shop_donthave_item'] = 'You don\'t have that item!';
$lang['shop_discard_exit'] = 'You have discarded your %s.';
$lang['shop_doesnt_exist'] = 'No Such Shop Exists!';
$lang['u_index'] = 'Click %shere%s to return to the forum index.';

// Admin
$lang['ashop_index_title'] = 'Shop Editor';
$lang['ashop_index_explain'] = 'This section allows you to select a shop to edit, or create an entirely new shop.';
$lang['ashop_index_table1'] = 'Global Shop Settings';
$lang['ashop_index_table2'] = 'Edit Player Inventories';
$lang['ashop_index_table3'] = 'Create or Edit Shops';
$lang['ashop_shop_districts'] = 'Shop Districts';
$lang['ashop_on'] = 'On';
$lang['ashop_off'] = 'Off';
$lang['ashop_multi_buys'] = 'Multiple Item Buying';
$lang['ashop_shop_order'] = 'Shop Item Order';
$lang['ashop_restocking'] = 'Shop Restocking';
$lang['ashop_sellrate'] = 'Selling Rate (in %)';
$lang['ashop_inv_limit'] = 'Inventory Item Limit (0 for no limit)';
$lang['ashop_display_limit'] = 'Viewtopic Display Limit';
$lang['ashop_vt_type'] = 'Viewtopic Type';
$lang['ashop_points_name'] = 'Points Name (eg. Gold)';
$lang['ashop_p_display'] = 'Profile Display';
$lang['ashop_inv_type'] = 'Inventory Type';
$lang['ashop_shop_owners'] = 'Shop Owners';
$lang['ashop_ability_give'] = 'Give Ability';
$lang['ashop_ability_trade'] = 'Trade Ability';
$lang['ashop_ability_discard'] = 'Discard Ability';
$lang['ashop_update'] = 'Update';
$lang['ashop_name'] = 'Name';
$lang['ashop_cost'] = 'Cost';
$lang['ashop_images'] = 'Images';
$lang['ashop_link'] = 'Link';
$lang['ashop_grouped'] = 'Grouped';
$lang['ashop_normal'] = 'Normal';
$lang['ashop_edit_inv'] = 'Edit Inventory';
$lang['ashop_find_user'] = 'Find Username';
$lang['ashop_edit'] = 'Edit';
$lang['ashop_shop_name'] = 'Shop Name';
$lang['ashop_shop_type'] = 'Shop Type';
$lang['ashop_restock_time'] = 'Restock Time (0 for none/in seconds)';
$lang['ashop_restock_amt'] = 'Restock Amount';
$lang['ashop_create_shop'] = 'Create Shop';
$lang['ashop_shop_created'] = 'Shop added successfully!';
$lang['ashop_cs_field_missing'] = 'Error, Shop Name or Shop Type not filled in correctly!';
$lang['ashop_cs_create'] = 'Create New Shop';
$lang['ashop_cs_table'] = 'Edit and Create Items';
$lang['ashop_cs_s_name'] = 'Shop Name';
$lang['ashop_cs_s_owner'] = 'Shop Owner';
$lang['ashop_cs_s_type'] = 'Shop Type';
$lang['ashop_cs_d_type'] = 'District Type (0 or 1)';
$lang['ashop_cs_d_num'] = 'Shop District Number';
$lang['ashop_cs_res_time'] = 'Restock Time (0 for none/in seconds)';
$lang['ashop_cs_res_amt'] = 'Restock Amount';
$lang['ashop_cs_m_tpl'] = 'Main Template';
$lang['ashop_cs_i_tpl'] = 'Item Template';
$lang['ashop_cs_update'] = 'Update Shop';
$lang['ashop_cs_delete'] = 'Delete Shop';
$lang['ashop_cs_no_items'] = 'This store has no items in it.';
$lang['ashop_cs_edit'] = 'Edit Item';
$lang['ashop_cs_name'] = 'Item Name (image must have same name)';
$lang['ashop_cs_sname'] = 'Shop (must be exact and exist)';
$lang['ashop_cs_s_desc'] = 'Short Description (max 80 characters)';
$lang['ashop_cs_l_desc'] = 'Long Description';
$lang['ashop_cs_price'] = 'Price';
$lang['ashop_cs_stock'] = 'Stock';
$lang['ashop_cs_maxstock'] = 'Max Stock';
$lang['ashop_cs_sold'] = 'Sold';
$lang['ashop_cs_forumid'] = 'Access Forum ID';
$lang['ashop_cs_slink'] = 'Special Link';
$lang['ashop_cs_add'] = 'Add Item';
$lang['ashop_cs_table2'] = 'Shop Editor';
$lang['ashop_cs_uitem'] = 'Update Item';

$lang['ashop_cs_ditem'] = 'Delete Item';

$lang['ashop_cs_ownedby'] = 'Owned By';
$lang['ashop_cs_editinv'] = 'Edit Inventory';
$lang['ashop_cs_shopeditor'] = 'Shop Editor';
$lang['ashop_cs_explain'] = 'This section allows you to select a shop to add an item, edit a shop\'s properties or delete a shop.';
$lang['ashop_cs_explain2'] = 'This section allows you to edit or delete an item.';
$lang['ashop_modify'] = 'Modify';
$lang['ashop_i_delete'] = 'Delete Item';
$lang['ashop_i_add'] = 'Add Item';
$lang['ashop_i_clear'] = 'Clear Items';
$lang['ashop_i_deleteinv'] = 'Delete Inventory';
$lang['ashop_i_custom'] = 'Custom Item';
$lang['ashop_i_name'] = 'Item Name';
$lang['ashop_i_id'] = 'Item ID (-1 for unique)';
$lang['ashop_i_s_desc'] = 'Short Description';
$lang['ashop_i_l_desc'] = 'Long Description';

$lang['ashop_i_modify'] = 'Modify %s\'s Inventory';

$lang['ashop_i_editor'] = 'Shop Editor';

$lang['ashop_i_explain'] = 'This section allows you to edit or delete an item.';

Заранее спасибо :)))

Добавлено спустя 44 секунды:

Кое что перевел, но врятли верно :((( Искал в поиске нашел только 2.6 версию :(
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Former team member
Сообщения: 4463
Стаж: 19 лет 6 месяцев
Поблагодарили: 1 раз

Сообщение VVVas »

Nemo1987 писал(а):Искал в поиске нашел только 2.6 версию
И чем она отличается от 3.0.0?
я люблю daft punk | новый sugoi.ru
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phpBB 2.0.7
Сообщения: 560
Стаж: 18 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение Nemo1987 »

VVVas, незнаю.... Версией..... они одни и теже????

Добавлено спустя 21 секунду:

т.е. это одно и тоже?
Аватара пользователя
Former team member
Сообщения: 4463
Стаж: 19 лет 6 месяцев
Поблагодарили: 1 раз

Сообщение VVVas »

Наверное стоило посмотреть и сравнить, или нет?
я люблю daft punk | новый sugoi.ru
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 2.0.7
Сообщения: 560
Стаж: 18 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение Nemo1987 »

VVVas :))) Ну, я посмотрел на версию :))) и все.... И потом, там в теме
Тоже ответ не полцучен :(((((
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 2.0.7
Сообщения: 560
Стаж: 18 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение Nemo1987 »

Кто-нить поможет???
phpBB 1.2.0
Сообщения: 12
Стаж: 18 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщение ded-moroz »

Присоединяюсь. Тоже нужен перевод и ссылка на сам мод
Сам год назад переводил, но плохо перевел и удалил форум случайно, так что кто может, пожалуйста, переведите!
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 1.4.3
Сообщения: 81
Стаж: 18 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщение ptzChanger »

тема крайне актуальна ... у кого есть перевод ?

Сообщение DragonDX »

Неужели никто так и не перевел? ;)
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 2.0.3
Сообщения: 384
Стаж: 18 лет 10 месяцев
Откуда: Москва, Fortuna-net

Сообщение svk »

за десяток $$$ переведу :)
NETBYNET Holding system administrator
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phpBB 2.0.7
Сообщения: 560
Стаж: 18 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение Nemo1987 »

svk, Ну, перести и я могу, вопрос как ;) Промт как-то тупо переводит, у некоторых фраз даже смысл не ясен :(
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 1.4.4
Сообщения: 195
Стаж: 18 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Москва

Сообщение MNK »

:lol: ПРОМТ!!! :lol: Да про него анекдоты рассказывают!
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 2.0.7
Сообщения: 560
Стаж: 18 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение Nemo1987 »

MNK, какие анекдоты?? :))))) Научная фантастика :)))
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 1.4.4
Сообщения: 195
Стаж: 18 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Москва

Сообщение MNK »

Nemo1987 писал(а):MNK, какие анекдоты?? :))))) Научная фантастика :)))
Антинаучная фантастика! Особенно, если некоторые авторы модов изъясняются на специфичном сленге. :lol: Промт те как переведёт! Мало не покажется! :lol:
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 2.0.7
Сообщения: 560
Стаж: 18 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение Nemo1987 »

MNK, ладно, переводить бум?

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