Код: Выделить всё
* lang_extend_post_icons.php [English]
* --------------------------
* begin : 28/09/2003
* copyright : Ptirhiik
* email : ptirhiik@clanmckeen.com
* version : 1.0.1 - 28/10/2003
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
die("Hacking attempt");
// admin part
if ( $lang_extend_admin )
$lang['Lang_extend_post_icons'] = 'Post Icons';
$lang['Icons_settings_explain'] = 'Here you can add, edit or delete posts icons';
$lang['Icons_auth'] = 'Auth level';
$lang['Icons_auth_explain'] = 'The icon will be available only to the users suiting this requirement';
$lang['Icons_defaults'] = 'Default assignement';
$lang['Icons_defaults_explain'] = 'Those assignments will be used on the topics lists when no icon is defined for a topic';
$lang['Icons_delete'] = 'Delete an icon';
$lang['Icons_delete_explain'] = 'Please choose an icon in order to replace this one :';
$lang['Icons_confirm_delete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this one ?';
$lang['Icons_lang_key'] = 'Icon title';
$lang['Icons_lang_key_explain'] = 'The icon title will be displayed when the user set his mouse on the icon (title or alt HTML statement). You can use text, or a key of the language array. <br />(check language/lang_<i>your_language</i>/lang_main.php).';
$lang['Icons_icon_key'] = 'Icon';
$lang['Icons_icon_key_explain'] = 'Icon url or key to the images array. <br />(check templates/<i>your_template</i>/<i>your_template</i>.cfg)';
$lang['Icons_error_title'] = 'The icon title is empty';
$lang['Icons_error_del_0'] = 'You can\'t remove the default empty icon';
$lang['Refresh'] = 'Refresh';
$lang['Usage'] = 'Usage';
$lang['Image_key_pick_up'] = 'Pick up an image key';
$lang['Lang_key_pick_up'] = 'Pick up a lang key';
$lang['Icons_settings'] = 'Posts icons';
$lang['Icons_per_row'] = 'Icons per row';
$lang['Icons_per_row_explain'] = 'Set here the number of icons displayed per row in the posting display';
$lang['post_icon_title'] = 'Message Icon';
// icons
$lang['icon_none'] = 'No icon';
$lang['icon_note'] = 'Note';
$lang['icon_important'] = 'Important';
$lang['icon_idea'] = 'Idea';
$lang['icon_warning'] = 'Warning !';
$lang['icon_question'] = 'Question';
$lang['icon_cool'] = 'Cool';
$lang['icon_funny'] = 'Funny';
$lang['icon_angry'] = 'Grrrr !';
$lang['icon_sad'] = 'Snif !';
$lang['icon_mocker'] = 'Hehehe !';
$lang['icon_shocked'] = 'Oooh !';
$lang['icon_complicity'] = 'Complicity';
$lang['icon_bad'] = 'Bad !';
$lang['icon_great'] = 'Great !';
$lang['icon_disgusting'] = 'Beark !';
$lang['icon_winner'] = 'Gniark !';
$lang['icon_impressed'] = 'Oh yes !';
$lang['icon_roleplay'] = 'Roleplay';
$lang['icon_fight'] = 'Fight';
$lang['icon_loot'] = 'Loot';
$lang['icon_picture'] = 'Picture';
$lang['icon_calendar'] = 'Calendar event';
Трудиться лень, да надо
Код: Выделить всё
* lang_extend_post_icons.php [English]
* --------------------------
* begin : 28/09/2003
* copyright : Ptirhiik
* email : ptirhiik@clanmckeen.com
* version : 1.0.1 - 28/10/2003
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
die("Hacking attempt");
// Admin part
if ( $lang_extend_admin )
$lang['Lang_extend_post_icons'] = 'Иконки для тем';
$lang['Icons_settings_explain'] = 'Здесь Вы можете добавлять, изменять или удалять изображения.';
$lang['Icons_auth'] = 'Авт. уровень';
$lang['Icons_auth_explain'] = 'Иконки будут доступны только для пользователей принявшие это требование.';
$lang['Icons_defaults'] = 'Значения по умолчанию';
$lang['Icons_defaults_explain'] = 'Эти значения будут использованы в списках тем, когда теме не присвоена иконка.';
$lang['Icons_delete'] = 'Удалить изображение';
$lang['Icons_delete_explain'] = 'Выберите изображение для замены текущей иконки :';
$lang['Icons_confirm_delete'] = 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить изображение ?';
$lang['Icons_lang_key'] = 'Название иконки';
$lang['Icons_lang_key_explain'] = 'Название иконки будет показано при наведении курсора мыши на иконку. Вы можете использовать текст, или переменную языка. <br />(см. language/lang_<i>Ваш_язык</i>/lang_main.php).';
$lang['Icons_icon_key'] = 'Иконка.';
$lang['Icons_icon_key_explain'] = 'Ссылка на иконку или её переменная. <br />(см. templates/<i>Ваш_шаблон</i>/<i>ващ_шаблон</i>.cfg)';
$lang['Icons_error_title'] = 'Название иконки отсутствует';
$lang['Icons_error_del_0'] = 'Вы не можете удалить по умолчанию пустую иконку.';
$lang['Refresh'] = 'Обновить';
$lang['Usage'] = 'Использование';
$lang['Image_key_pick_up'] = 'Переменная изображения';
$lang['Lang_key_pick_up'] = 'Языковая переменная';
$lang['Icons_settings'] = 'Иконки для тем';
$lang['Icons_per_row'] = 'Иконок в колонке';
$lang['Icons_per_row_explain'] = 'Укажите количество иконок в колонке.';
$lang['post_icon_title'] = 'Иконка для темы';
// Иконки
$lang['icon_none'] = 'нет';
$lang['icon_note'] = 'Note';
$lang['icon_important'] = 'Important';
$lang['icon_idea'] = 'Idea';
$lang['icon_warning'] = 'Warning !';
$lang['icon_question'] = 'Question';
$lang['icon_cool'] = 'Cool';
$lang['icon_funny'] = 'Funny';
$lang['icon_angry'] = 'Grrrr !';
$lang['icon_sad'] = 'Snif !';
$lang['icon_mocker'] = 'Hehehe !';
$lang['icon_shocked'] = 'Oooh !';
$lang['icon_complicity'] = 'Complicity';
$lang['icon_bad'] = 'Bad !';
$lang['icon_great'] = 'Great !';
$lang['icon_disgusting'] = 'Beark !';
$lang['icon_winner'] = 'Gniark !';
$lang['icon_impressed'] = 'Oh yes !';
$lang['icon_roleplay'] = 'Roleplay';
$lang['icon_fight'] = 'Fight';
$lang['icon_loot'] = 'Loot';
$lang['icon_picture'] = 'Picture';
$lang['icon_calendar'] = 'Calendar event';