$lang['proxy_title'] = 'Block Open Proxy Registrants';
$lang['proxy_desc'] = 'This page will allow you to customize Block Open Proxy Registrants, to check individual IP addresses, and to view recently used proxies.';
$lang['proxy_desc_list'] = 'Lists recently tested IP addresses. Entries that specify a port number but not a proxy type represent IP addresses that were, during a prior test, open proxies.';
$lang['proxy_desc_test'] = 'Scans for proxies on the specified ports. Debug information can be found by clicking on the "Debug Information" text.';
$lang['proxy_test'] = 'Check IP Address';
$lang['proxy_test_desc'] = 'Checks whether or not an IP address of your chosing is a proxy using the current settings. Can conduct checks even when Block Open Proxy Registrants has been disabled.';
$lang['proxy_ip'] = 'IP Address';
$lang['proxy_enable'] = 'Block Open Proxy Registrants';
$lang['proxy_enable_desc'] = 'This MOD can only be enabled once a proxy has been successfully tested via the ACP.';
$lang['proxy_ban'] = 'Ban Open Proxies';
$lang['proxy_ban_explain'] = 'Bans IP addresses revealed to be open proxies.';
$lang['proxy_timeout'] = 'Connection Timeout';
$lang['proxy_timeout_explain'] = 'The larger the value, the more accurate proxy detection will be, but the longer the users attempting to register will have to wait.';
$lang['proxy_seconds'] = 'seconds';
$lang['proxy_minutes'] = 'minutes';
$lang['proxy_hours'] = 'hours';
$lang['proxy_days'] = 'days';
$lang['proxy_weeks'] = 'weeks';
$lang['proxy_months'] = 'months';
$lang['proxy_years'] = 'years';
$lang['proxy_type'] = 'Type';
$lang['proxy_last_checked'] = 'Last Checked';
$lang['proxy_port'] = 'Port';
$lang['proxy_ports'] = 'Ports to scan';
$lang['proxy_ports_explain'] = 'In theory, up to 64 ports can be simultaneously scanned, but in practice, the total number should be kept to a bare minimum. Also, changing the ports that are to be scanned will reset the cached data.';
$lang['proxy_cache_time'] = 'Cache Time';
$lang['proxy_cache_time_explain'] = 'Determines how frequently the same IP address will be checked. Entering 0 will result in IP addresses never being checked twice.';
$lang['proxy_user_agent'] = 'User Agent String';
$lang['proxy_user_agent_explain'] = 'Determines how HTTP requests ought to identify themselves when attempting to connect to a proxy.';
$lang['proxy_debug'] = 'Debug Information';
$lang['proxy_settings'] = 'MOD Configuration';
$lang['proxy_list_desc'] = 'Lists the three most recently confirmed proxies.';
$lang['proxy_sample_http_1'] = 'Sample HTTP Request 1';
$lang['proxy_sample_http_2'] = 'Sample HTTP Request 2';
$lang['proxy_sample_sql'] = 'Sample SQL Query';
$lang['proxy_exec_time'] = 'Execution Time';
$lang['proxy_none'] = 'No Proxy Severs Detected.';
$lang['proxy_connect_error'] = 'Unable to connect to %s to spawn processes<br /><b>Error %d</b>: %s';
$lang['proxy_testing'] = 'Checking <b>%s</b>...';
$lang['proxy_hostname'] = 'Hostname: <b>%s</b>';
$lang['proxy_check'] = 'Check';
$lang['proxy_view_list'] = 'View Complete List';
$lang['proxy_deleted'] = '%s has been deleted.';
$lang['proxy_download'] = 'Download As Text';
$lang['proxy_return'] = 'Click here to return to the previous page.';
$lang['proxy_return2'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the previous page.';
$lang['proxy_name'] = 'Block Open Proxies';
$lang['proxy_show'] = 'Show';
$lang['proxy_suggestions'] = 'Suggestions';
$lang['proxy_error99'] = 'Just remove lines 26-32 in connect.php to bypass this problem. The reason they\'re not removed by default is because they work on <i>most</i> servers and because without them, people could, in theory, use your servers resources to build their own proxy lists';
$lang['proxy_error302'] = 'This error can occur when the domain name used by the board (domain.tld, as an example) redirects all requests to another domain (say
www.domain.tld). If this is the case, you will need to use the latter domain with phpBB - not the former.';
$lang['proxy_error403'] = 'If you have configured the server (via .htaccess, or whatever) to restrict access to this directory, you\'ll need unrestrict access for this MOD to work.';
$lang['proxy_error404'] = 'There are two possible solutions for this problem<blockquote>1. Create a proxy subdirectory and upload the appropriate files in it.<br />2. Replace all occurances of <i>trim($board_config[\'server_name\']))</i> with <i></i>. The reason this isn\'t done by default is that it doesn\'t work on virtual hosts</blockquote>';
$lang['proxy_error500'] = 'Your server is misconfigured. Due to the multitude of ways in which it could be misconfigured, I can\'t really say much more than that...';