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Запрос на локализацию EasyCMS

Ответы на вопросы, связанные с локализацией модов для phpBB 2.0.x
phpBB 1.2.1
Сообщения: 24
Стаж: 18 лет 11 месяцев

Запрос на локализацию EasyCMS

Сообщение Andersen »

сама CMSка

очень хороший пример

Код: Выделить всё


// Format is same as lang_main

 * General stuff
$lang['Navigation'] = 'Navigation';
$lang['Submit_article'] = 'Submit article';
$lang['Post_comment'] = 'Post a comment';
$lang['Article'] = 'Article';
$lang['Chapter'] = 'Chapter';
$lang['Articles'] = 'Articles';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Comments';
$lang['No_articles'] = 'No articles were found in this chapter';
$lang['No_comments'] = 'No comments were made for this article';

 * Ratings
$lang['Rating'] = 'Rating';
$lang['Select_rating'] = 'Select rating';
$lang['Rate'] = 'Rate';
$lang['Rate_article'] = 'Rate this article';
$lang['Invalid_rating'] = 'You have specified an invalid rating option';
$lang['Already_rated_article'] = 'You have already rated this article';
$lang['Already_rated_comment'] = 'You have already rated this comment';

$lang['Rate_successfull'] = 'Your rating has been submitted successfully';
$lang['Click_return_comment'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the comment';
$lang['Click_return_article'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the article';
$lang['Click_return_chapter'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the chapter';

 * Articles
$lang['Empty_article_title'] = 'You have not entered an article title';
$lang['Empty_article_text'] = 'You have not entered article text';
$lang['Click_view_article'] = 'Click %sHere%s to view your article';
$lang['Chapter_not_exist'] = 'No such chapter exists';
$lang['No_article_id'] = 'No article id specified';
$lang['No_valid_article_mode'] = 'No valid mode specified; you can only post, edit, delete, rate, etc.';
$lang['No_such_article'] = 'No article exists with that id';
$lang['Not_rate_own_articles'] = 'You are not allowed to rate your own articles';
$lang['Submit_new_article'] = 'Submit a new article';

 * Comments
$lang['Article_not_exist'] = 'No such article exists';
$lang['No_comment_id'] = 'No comment id specified';
$lang['No_such_comment'] = 'No comment exists with that id';
$lang['No_valid_comment_mode'] = 'No valid mode specified; you can only post, edit, delete, rate, etc.';
$lang['Not_rate_own_comments'] = 'You are not allowed to rate your own comments';
$lang['Comment_approved'] = 'The comment has been approved';
$lang['Click_view_comment'] = 'Click %sHere%s to view your comment';
$lang['Confirm_delete_comment'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete your comment?';
$lang['Submit_new_comment'] = 'Submit a new comment';
$lang['Comment_icon'] = 'Comment icon';
$lang['Empty_comments'] = 'You have not entered any comments';
$lang['Comment_added_pending'] = 'The comment has been added successfully. However, an approval is required before it will be viewable.';
$lang['Comment_added'] = 'The comment has been added successfully';
$lang['Comment_edited'] = 'The comment has been edited successfully';
$lang['Comment_deleted'] = 'The comment has been deleted successfully';

 * Permissions
$lang['Can_post_articles'] = 'You <b>can</b> post articles in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Cannot_post_articles'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> post articles in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Can_edit_articles'] = 'You <b>can</b> edit your articles in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Cannot_edit_articles'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> edit your articles in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Can_delete_articles'] = 'You <b>can</b> delete your articles in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Cannot_delete_articles'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> delete your articles in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Can_rate_articles'] = 'You <b>can</b> rate articles in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Cannot_rate_articles'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> rate articles in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Can_approve_articles'] = 'You <b>can</b> approve articles in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Cannot_approve_articles'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> approve articles in this chapter<br />';

$lang['Can_post_comments'] = 'You <b>can</b> post comments in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Cannot_post_comments'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> post comments in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Can_edit_comments'] = 'You <b>can</b> edit your comments in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Cannot_edit_comments'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> edit your comments in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Can_delete_comments'] = 'You <b>can</b> delete your comments in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Cannot_delete_comments'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> delete your comments in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Can_rate_comments'] = 'You <b>can</b> rate comments in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Cannot_rate_comments'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> rate comments in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Can_approve_comments'] = 'You <b>can</b> approve comments in this chapter<br />';
$lang['Cannot_approve_comments'] = 'You <b>cannot</b> approve comments in this chapter';

$lang['Not_auth_edit_own_articles'] = 'Sorry, but you can only edit your own articles.';
$lang['Not_auth_delete_own_articles'] = 'Sorry, but you can only delete your own articles.';
$lang['Not_auth_articles_new'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can post new articles in this chapter.';
$lang['Not_auth_articles_edit'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can edit articles in this chapter.';
$lang['Not_auth_articles_delete'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can delete articles in this chapter.';
$lang['Not_auth_articles_rate'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can rate articles in this chapter.';
$lang['Not_auth_articles_approve'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can approve new articles in this chapter.';

$lang['Not_auth_edit_own_comments'] = 'Sorry, but you can only edit your own comments.';
$lang['Not_auth_delete_own_comments'] = 'Sorry, but you can only delete your own comments.';
$lang['Not_auth_comments_new'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can post new comments in this chapter.';
$lang['Not_auth_comments_edit'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can edit comments in this chapter.';
$lang['Not_auth_comments_delete'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can delete comments in this chapter.';
$lang['Not_auth_comments_rate'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can rate comments in this chapter.';
$lang['Not_auth_comments_approve'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can approve new comments in this chapter.';

$lang['No_such_chapter_article_id'] = 'No such chapter/article exits';
$lang['No_such_article_comment_id'] = 'No such article/comment exists';

 * Chapters
$lang['Chapter_title'] = 'phpBB easyCMS :: Chapters';
$lang['Chapter_explain'] = 'From this panel you can add, delete, edit and re-order chapters for the phpBB easyCMS hack.';
$lang['Chapter_delete_title'] = 'Delete chapter';
$lang['Chapter_delete_explain'] = 'The form below will allow you to delete a chapter and decide where you want to put all articles, FAQs (and subchapters) it contained.';

$lang['Chapter_name'] = 'Chapter name';
$lang['Chapter_description'] = 'Chapter description';
$lang['Select_chapter'] = 'Select chapter';
$lang['Select_parent_chapter'] = 'Select parent chapter';
$lang['No_parent_chapter'] = 'Do not set a parent';
$lang['Article_pending'] = 'Set articles to pending';
$lang['Article_pending_explain'] = 'Articles will not be viewable to anyone until they have been approved by an administrator.';
$lang['Comments_pending'] = 'Set comments to pending';
$lang['Comments_pending_explain'] = 'Comments will not be viewable to anyone until they have been approved by an administrator.';
$lang['Enable_comments'] = 'Enable comments';
$lang['Stop_article_count'] = 'Stop article count';
$lang['Stop_comment_count'] = 'Stop comment count';
$lang['Add_chapter'] = 'Add chapter';
$lang['Edit_chapter'] = 'Edit chapter';
$lang['Sync'] = 'Sync';
$lang['Delete_all'] = 'Delete all contents';
$lang['Must_delete_subchapters'] = 'You cannot delete a chapter that has subchapters. Please delete all subchapters first.';
$lang['Chapter_empty_fields'] = 'You have to give the chapter a name. Please go back and do so.';
$lang['Chapter_added'] = 'The chapter has been added';
$lang['Chapter_edited'] = 'The chapter has been edited';
$lang['Chapter_deleted'] = 'The chapter and its contents has been deleted';
$lang['Click_return_chapter_config'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the chapter configuration';

 * Chapter permissions
$lang['Chapter_auth'] = 'Chapter Permissions Control';
$lang['Chapter_auth_explain'] = 'Here you can alter the authorisation levels of each chapter. You will have both a simple and advanced method for doing this, where advanced offers greater control of each chapter operation. Remember that changing the permission level of chapters will affect which users can carry out the various operations within them';
$lang['Lookup_chapter'] = 'Look up chapter';
$lang['Chapter_auth_updated'] = 'The chapter permissions have been updated';
$lang['Click_return_chapterauth_config'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the chapter permissions configuration';
$lang['User_cms_auth_explain'] = 'Here you can alter the permissions assigned to each individual user. Do not forget when changing user permissions that group permissions may still allow the user entry to chapters, etc. You will be warned if this is the case.';
$lang['Group_cms_auth_explain'] = 'Here you can alter the permissions assigned to each user group. Do not forget when changing group permissions that individual user permissions may still allow the user entry to chapters, etc. You will be warned if this is the case.';

$lang['Chapter_ALL'] = 'ALL';
$lang['Chapter_REG'] = 'REG';
$lang['Chapter_PRIVATE'] = 'PRIVATE';
$lang['Chapter_ADMIN'] = 'ADMIN';

$lang['Inherit_settings'] = 'Inherit settings';

$lang['View_article']= 'View article';
$lang['Read_article'] = 'Read article';
$lang['New_article'] = 'Post article';
$lang['Edit_article'] = 'Edit article';
$lang['Delete_article'] = 'Delete article';
$lang['Rate_article'] = 'Rate article';
$lang['Approve_article'] = 'Approve article';

$lang['View_comment'] = 'View comment';
$lang['New_comment'] = 'Post comment';
$lang['Edit_comment'] = 'Edit comment';
$lang['Delete_comment'] = 'Delete comment';
$lang['Rate_comment'] = 'Rate comment';
$lang['Approve_comment'] = 'Approve comment';

 * Articles
$lang['Articles_title'] = 'phpBB easyCMS :: Articles';
$lang['Articles_explain'] = 'From this panel you can add, delete and edit articles for the phpBB easyCMS hack.';

$lang['Article_icon'] = 'Article icon';
$lang['Article_title'] = 'Article title';
$lang['Article_text'] = 'Article text';

$lang['Add_article'] = 'Add article';
$lang['Edit_article'] = 'Edit article';
$lang['Delete_article'] = 'Delete article';
$lang['Approve_article'] = 'Approve article';
$lang['Article_empty_fields'] = 'You have to fill out all obligatory fields.';
$lang['Article_empty_chapter_id'] = 'You have not specified which chapter the article should go in.';

$lang['Article_added'] = 'The article has been added successfully';
$lang['Article_added_pending'] = 'The article has been added successfully. However, an approval is required before it will be viewable.';
$lang['Article_edited'] = 'The article has been edited successfully';
$lang['Article_deleted'] = 'The article has been deleted successfully';
$lang['Article_approved'] = 'The article has been approved successfully';
$lang['Confirm_delete_article'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?';
$lang['Click_return_article_config'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the article configuration';

 * Configuration
$lang['CMS_config'] = 'phpBB easyCMS configuration';
$lang['CMS_config_explain'] = 'The form below will allow you to customize all the general phpBB easyCMS options.';
$lang['CMS_general_settings'] = 'General Settings';
$lang['CMS_basic_settings'] = 'Articles and Comments Settings';

$lang['Articles_per_page'] = 'Articles per page';
$lang['Comments_per_page'] = 'Comments per page';
$lang['Allow_avatar'] = 'Show avatars';
$lang['Icons_path'] = 'Article icons path';
$lang['Icons_path_explain'] = 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/icons';
$lang['Max_rating'] = 'Maximum rating value';
$lang['Articles_on_list'] = 'Number of articles on main page';

// That's all Folks!
// -------------------------------------------------

phpBB 2.0.7
Сообщения: 573
Стаж: 19 лет
Откуда: Moscow

Сообщение Iftin »

а что это за мод такой-то движок?! поясните, плиз..
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 2.0.5
Сообщения: 496
Стаж: 19 лет
Откуда: Киев

Сообщение Nikel »

А что вам мешает самому перевести все ето , а потом поделится с народом ?
Хочешь помочь коллеге- поделись опытом, хочешь помочь профессионалу-отойди и не мешай, хочешь помочь дураку... Сам дурак
phpBB 1.2.0
Сообщения: 16
Стаж: 18 лет 11 месяцев


Сообщение Jack »

Да ладно, кто не ленивый и имеет гордость, тот и займётся, а остальные просят здесь. Да и я за перевод пары модов одно новое слово могу узнать :) Перевод здесь
Iftin писал(а):что это за мод такой-то движок?! поясните
Описание: Для написания статей и позволяет пользователями писать комментарии о них. Возможности:
- Возможность создания стольких разделов, сколько хотите, с подразделами.
- Полная система доступов для разделов.
- Полное отключение комментариев.
- Остановка счётчиков статей и/или комментариев.
- Возможность одобрения статей и/или комментариев перед их публикацией.
- Оценка статей и/или комментариев.
- Запрет аватаров, смайликов, HTML и BBCode независимо от параметров всей системы.
- Администраторы могут пользоваться HTML независимо от параметров CMS.
phpBB 1.2.1
Сообщения: 24
Стаж: 18 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщение Andersen »

Jack Огромное спасибо от ленивого и негордого меня=)
phpBB 2.0.7
Сообщения: 573
Стаж: 19 лет
Откуда: Moscow

Сообщение Iftin »

скачать только не удаётся... :oops:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 5285
Стаж: 19 лет 4 месяца
Откуда: Питер
Благодарил (а): 186 раз
Поблагодарили: 793 раза

Сообщение Siava »

В переводе исправь $lang['Comments_pending_explain'] (там не хватает ; в конце) :D
Еще одно нарушение правил и будете забанены. © Mr. Anderson
Ты очистил кеш? © Sheer
https://siava.ru (phpbb 2.0.x 3.5.x)
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 1.0.0
Сообщения: 3
Стаж: 18 лет 4 месяца
Откуда: Мытищи

локализованный easyCMS

Сообщение mixer82 »

easyCMS по-русски, если кому надо.
перевел все, включая инструкцию по установке 8)
У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.
phpBB 2.0.7
Сообщения: 573
Стаж: 19 лет
Откуда: Moscow

Сообщение Iftin »


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